The Team


Oscar Torres
Oscar Torres


oscar at jandrtacos dot com


Oscar Torres is a co-founder of J&R Tacos. He grew up in the restaurant business and helped his parents to run their restaurant. He is an artist, and he has presented his work at several galleries in California. His artistic background inspires him to create beautiful tasty dishes.  Today, when he is not at the restaurant he is working on his art at the Merced College or spending time with his daughter Lucia.




Janna Rodriguez, Merced, CA
Janna, Merced, CA


janna at jandrtacos dot com


Janna is a co-founder of J&R Tacos.  She loves food, coffee, mountains and people. She has enjoyed the restaurant environment from a very young age and she has traveled around the world gathering ideas to create what J&R Tacos is today. She holds a Bachelors of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California, Merced, earned her master’s degree and doctorate in mechanical engineering at Stanford University in MEMS.






Ale Torres
Ale Torres



ale at jandrtacos dot com


Ale Torres is the executive chef at J&R Tacos and she has been at the restaurant since the day we opened. She believes that produce from our restaurant should be purchased from local farmers since this will not only help our local economy but it will also ensure a taste of freshness in all our dishes. She is the creator of many of our signature dishes and desserts.